Online Piano Class!

Holding our ACAT classes online is challenging.  Last time I wrote about the problems with tuning our violins and ukuleles via Zoom, and trying to sing in tune when most everyone is muted.  Our Theatre class is recording their plays for our Spring Celebration (May 20, 5:00pm), which makes them go much more smoothly-without all the constant muting, unmuting and glitchy wifi.  But all of these teachers are able to present their classes using just one screen and basic zoom capabilities-some screen sharing and occasional use of breakout rooms.

This January, Ms. Brooke and Mrs. Morris took up a more difficult challenge-how to teach Piano Class via Zoom! This required a more elaborate set-up in Ms. Brooke’s studio, with multiple screens and a special camera that is aimed at her keyboard, so she can show hand positions and fingering.  This allows our students to see split-screen views with a copy of the music and a keyboard diagram, or the live view of Ms. Brooke’s hands and the music, the whiteboard, or other combinations that might be helpful at the time.  Please look closely at the photos with this article to see the set-up and how some of the screens appear to the class.  Our three students have learned several pieces and are excited to share them with us on May 20!



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