Dinah’s House in Action!




I remember one of the Dinah's community women , when she came into Dinah’s House for the first time with her children. She sat down in a rocking chair without speaking to anyone. Then she asked her older son to translate for her and that’s when she told us that she was from Egypt and she was pregnant at the time. After our conversation we arranged a baby shower for her and her baby girl.  Since then we have helped her with clothing donations,  we found a dentist that provided free dental services and even found an Arabic translator to help her learn the driving manual for her driving test.    

Moving forward to the present time, with our assistance she has received city funds to help her fix her house where she lives with her four children and husband. She is currently in the process of getting her driver’s permit. We’ve been part of her growth and success and it's all thanks to the amazing work we do at Dinah’s house.


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Tuning Instruments on Zoom!