Tuning Instruments on Zoom!


Tia the Terrier


On Tuesdays at ACAT it’s all about getting in tune.  The Violin Class meets at 3:00pm, and they spend a while, sometimes half the class, working on tuning up.  At 4:00pm, the Ukulele Class meets, and it’s the same story, although this class has been meeting for several weeks longer and is getting better at this routine.  I’ve also noticed that it is harder for the students in Music Nuts and Bolts class on Thursdays to maintain a sense of pitch when we work on singing the scale. 

In “normal” times, when we are all together in one classroom, the teacher might tune the instrument for the student, or be able to demonstrate much more easily which direction and how much to turn the tuning pegs.  I would sing along, or play on the piano, to help the students hear where they are going in the scale. None of this “works” on Zoom, which likes it better when only one person makes sound at a time! 

So, the challenge for us teachers becomes how to communicate better verbally, and to have the patience to repeat instructions and demonstrations many more times than we are used to. The challenge for the students is to pay attention more closely, and to listen better than they might be used to.  I’m pleased to say that everyone is rising to these challenges, and we are learning better each week how to “do ACAT” online!  

This is another lesson that our ACAT students can apply in their lives as they grow to be more confident members of the community: communicate better, listen carefully, and above all, be patient with the process!


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